Texon Automation has for the past 30 years been involved in designing and producing ships automation systems, in particular controls for LNG carriers.
Typical turnkey projects have included the following control and monitoring systems:
- Automatic Combustion Controls (ACC)
- Burner Management System (BMS)
- Low Sulphur Marine Gas Oil conversions
- Main Engine/Turbine controls
- Miscellaneous controls (steam temperature, water level, feed water pump, etc.)
- Low Duty Compressor controls Consumption and venting gas flow measurement systems Engine Monitoring systems
- Cargo and Ballast Control and monitoring
- Custody transfer systems
- Tank pressure controls
The customer is provided with a complete turnkey solution package, from analysis, system design, hardware and software supply to commissioning and support. In order to optimize system performance, Texon operates in close co-operation with ship operators, builders and owners during the construction – commissioning – and commercial operation stages, always with the objective to provide a no-fuzz operation.
Combustion Controls
The combustion control is a fully automatic, compact and reliable combustion control system for dual-fuel boilers on LNG carriers or single fuel boilers on other types of main steam turbine equipped vessels. The system maintains steam pressure within very close tolerances even during rapid load changes. It governs the supply of fuel and combustion air to the boiler furnace in close accordance with current steam demand, and permits instant and efficient engine control. The air/fuel ratio for optimum combustion efficiency is closely controlled. Combustion trim controller is often included in the system to compensate for the (inevitable) inaccuracy in measurement of fuel calorific values and combustion air mass.
Burner Management
- The Burner Management System is a fully automatic control system for boiler safety and easy burner light up and shut down.
- Safety functions such as trip of fuel valves for various reasons are integrated in the system, with some critical sensors duplicated, e g for drum water level.
- Cascade of burners (Automatic start/stop) can be performed by BMS on order from ACC.
- The boilers can be operated from a control room panel or workstation as well as from a local control panel on the burner platform. Automatic control can be initiated from both panels.
- The system requires no manual operations under normal operating conditions.
Low Sulhur Marine Gas Oil Conversions
- Meets the requirements for 0.1% sulphur content in ECA/SECA Area
- Fully automated switch over between HFO/LSMGO and vice versa
- LSMGO as back up fuel during „gas only“ supported.
- Coriolis type flow meter for accurate LSMGO metering
- Full operational range for turndown requirements.
- Ready solutiouns for common HFO/LSMGO or separate.
Main Turbine Control Systems
- The turbine control system is based on modern control algorithms and process parameter measurements. The system is designed to meet the following criteria:
- Turbine safety
- Boiler and steam plant limitations
- Minimum maintenance for an extended period of >10 years
- Operator friendliness
- Swift installation
- Compressor capacity is controlled by means of speed and/or inlet vanes in order to maintain fuel gas control valves within optimum control range.
- Anti surge control systems
Custody Transfer Systems
Texon has been involved in retrofitting older custody transfer to modern radar based system with independent tank overfill protection.
Emergency Shutdown Systems
The Emergency Shut Down System is continuously monitoring a number of input signals in order to retain safety of cargo operations. If an error condition occurs, an ESD-signal is generated and the compressors, cargo valves and cargo pumps are set to a safe condition, i.e. „Emergency Shut Down“.
Tank pressure controls
- The tank pressure can vary between floating tank pressure setpoints.
- Pressure is reduced by increasing fuel gas firing together with steam dumping or increase of ship speed.
- Pressure is increased by reducing fuel gas firing together with increased fuel oil firing.